Window Seat Media

Project OverView:
Website Redesign
Content Strategy
Usability Study
Organic SEO

Window Seat Media is committed to storytelling - through oral histories and personal narratives in a variety of formats. Their mission to share stories that have been forgotten, silenced, or ignored throughout history spoke to us. We were excited to bring together the stories and their work in a website redesign that highlighted the community - the diversity of their stories and the diverse ways we can all tell our histories.

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The Details:

Creating a space for everyone’s story

We worked with Window Seat Media on content strategy, designing a site that could exhibit the broad range of stories they’ve gathered as an organization. The stories come from artists, activists, organizers, elders, and other community members and are told through audio, video, written stories, and theater. It’s a lot of history and art to hold space for. Our design process focused on _____________.

We are proud of our contribution to highlighting the voices of the people in our communities, especially the voices that are often marginalized and forgotten. 

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Website Redesign
Content Strategy
Usability Study
Organic SEO